Over the Easter weekend I finally got to let out a small secret that I’ve been keeping for 20 whole weeks – Ted and I are expecting a baby boy this August!
We are overjoyed and can’t believe our luck. Despite everything that is currently going on in the world right now, we have a small bit of hope and light that we’re looking forward to.
What I’m Loving
I currently love being pregnant, and now that I’m in the second trimester I see what everyone means, it really is the honeymoon period of pregnancy. My energy is back and I’m starting to get that little bump that makes this all the more real.
My favorite thing so far is feeling the kicks. I always thought that I would think it was strange, and I’m sure I won’t be saying this as I get larger and the kicks get stronger, but its so nice to be able to feel your baby and have the reassurance that they’re bouncing around in there.

Our Struggle With Infertility
The announcement also gave me the opportunity to share another private, personal journey that Ted and I have been on for the past few years: our struggle with infertility and our incredible luck with IVF.
I plan to write a post about our experience because there are so many things that I want to share in the hopes that I can help other women and couples who find themselves on this path. You can never go through this process alone, and knowing as much as you can truly helps. But I’m not there just yet – I’m still working through my own anxieties after everything we’ve been through, and still processing the lessons that I’ve learned.
But with that said, now that the cat’s out of the bag so to speak, know that my door (or inbox for that matter) are always open to anyone whose struggling with infertility, anyone whose curious about it, or if you just want to share your parenthood story. I would not be where I am today if it wasn’t for the women who reached out to me during this journey and helped guide me through. It’s important to me that I use this blog to be open about this often stigmatized topic, but also just share what’s helped me!
Thank you to everyone for their well wishes over the past weekend. Ted and I were blown away by everyone’s kind words and hope everyone had a good Easter weekend. It certainly will be a memorable one for us all!
So happy for you and Ted! Thank you for being so open about your journey 🙂 <3
Thank you so much Kelly ! I’m terrible at keeping up with the comments here so sorry !