
Five Favorites From Amsterdam

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I took a break from my travel themed posts but have more to share!  Back in November and December when I was traveling for work (check out my posts on Bangkok, Delhi, and Prague) my coworkers Rachael and Aymisey decided to take a weekend trip to Amsterdam! We went in December and though it was cold, we spent our entire days outside exploring the city sites. The cold gave us an excuse to visit many of the small independent cafes scattered across the city. We drank a steady supply of hot tea and coffee before gathering the courage to venture out into the cold again.

Read on to find out some of my favorite things about Amsterdam:

1. The Architecture  

I don’t know how I didn’t know this, but much of old Amsterdam is built on canals, which makes sense after seeing where Amsterdam lies on the map. It’s right on the water! In any case it makes the city one of the most beautiful in the world, but its also impacted the city’s distinct architecture. Amsterdam is built in an area of the Netherlands where most of the land is naturally underwater. In the 17th century, as Amsterdam grew into one of Europe’s most prosperous centers of commerce and trade, the Dutch built sophisticated water drainage systems and canals to help support a building boom. Because land is precious, Dutch building style emphasizes narrow lines and height. There is also something almost somber about Dutch building style which is characterized by dark colors, simplicity, and little ornamentation. It has a quiet, understated beauty that I appreciate.

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2. The Bikes

You know how they say New Zealand is one of those places with more sheep than humans? Well I think Amsterdam is a city with more bikes than humans. Bikes are everywhere — they are parked in every available city space. Maybe its the narrow streets, maybe its a conscious decision to go-green, maybe its cost effective, whatever the reason, Amsterdam is a place where biking is the way to get from point A to B. As someone who absolutely hates driving, I can get on board with this lifestyle. It’s not only good for your own body, but its also good for the Earth.

But, I will say, the lack of cars does not eliminate the phenomena of “road rage.” If you get in the way of bikers and wander into a bike lane – you can expect to hear the “ring ring of a tiny bell” or be yelled at. In fact I was yelled at and called “a stupid tourist” which made me chuckle after I jumped out of the enraged biker’s way. I guess “road rage” is a human behavior that endures, whether or not you’re in a car or bike!

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3. Museums

Amsterdam has some of the finest museums in the world. While there we visited:

  • The Van Gogh Museum –  When I was in middle school we were given an art project to paint in his style. We had to replicate the thick, textured brush strokes and unblended colors. Ever since then Van Gogh was one of my favorite artists. Getting to see some of his famous works in person was such an honor. My favorite was the Sun Flower painting.
  • Anne Frank Museum – There are no words to describe what it feels like to walk in the foot steps of Anne Frank and visit the space where she wrote such beautiful words. The museum is a tribute to the memory of Anne and her family.
  • Ons’ Lieve Heer op Solder – When it comes to religion, the Dutch follow and respect an individual’s “freedom of conscience.” And while the Dutch are tolerant of religion, it is seen as something that is very private, to be celebrated inside the home. As a result there aren’t many religious monuments or churches in the Netherlands . Instead, people got very creative in how they worshipped. We visited the Catholic church of Ons’ Lieve Heer op Solder, which is a full Catholic church (altar and all) built inside the private home of a prominent Dutch merchant. It’s gorgeous. From the outside the structure looks like a typical house, but inside there is a three-story church!

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4. Blue & White Everything ! 

Everyone knows of my love of all things blue & white. It’s a clean and sophisticated color scheme – that is also present in the famous Delft pottery and ceramics. Every antique shop featured blue and white tiles, plates, mugs — I was in heaven.

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5. The Company  

Going to Amsterdam with Rachael and Aymisey was so much fun. I’ve done a lot of traveling either with Ted or by myself, but I’ve never had a “girls” weekend adventure like this. It was so much fun to bond, laugh, and just explore together. Can’t wait for the next trip!

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1 comment

  1. My dear friend, thank you so much for this wonderful article! This is like some kind of a tribute to this exciting weekend in December 2016. I really enjoyed this little journey of us. God gave us this sunny and happy weather because this was our first trip together and now you have these colorful and splended Amsterdam moments in your memories. I relished every picture and every word! Thank you for featuring me. I am also very glad you liked the museums. Take care! And hope to see you soon.